I have to say. This is the best blog post I have found online. Have a look at this Link. https://blog.cammy.com/how-to-find-stolen-items What can I add to what this blog talks about? Nothing. I will copy the post here just in case it may disappear… I is a really good read. We all know that burglars…
Author: Frank Smolle
What Is Caveat-Emptor
The principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made. The sad thing about this is that if you do not ask any questions or try the item out before money is exchanged, you really do buy what you see and that is what…
What is Receiving Stolen Goods?
This can happen to the best of us and we just do not really know if the thing you bought from someone on social media truly owns the item or not. We go under the presumption that if the person is selling the item and has it in their possession that they own the item.…
The Dangers of Dealing online.
As a secondhand dealer when buying white goods, that is fridges, freezers, washing machines, and dryers, I would agree on a price. But I would never pay for the items until I see the item working as it should. Yes, I too have been bitten, conned, or scammed a few times over the years. Such…
The End of Service Vs Self Serve
I really hope I am preaching to the converted on this one. This is killing some small businesses. In this town, I personally know of 3 other shops that have gone under because of the trend of buying online. So I am not alone. There was an arts and craft shop that saw the writing…
When to call a dealer when disposing of items?
I have seen for my self so often on the social media pages that people are selling some antiques for more than what they are worth. They will be disappointed when people will talk them down or the item will just not sell at all. Whoever there are some people that have some genuine rare…