Crossing the Threshold gives the image of a point of no return, or entering into no man’s land. This is not so, it is going into a situation that you have not been before. This is akin to stepping out of your comfort zone. In some cases, if you are forced legally into a new…
Author: Frank Smolle
20% off for December 2020, Celebrate
News – 11th of November to the 19th 2020
I will be going into surgery on the 11th and will not be back on my feet till the 19th. If anyone has bought anything during this time I will not be posting anything till I am well enough. I am sorry for the inconvenience buy My health is paramount to me.
Hero’s Journey – Step 3 – Refusing the Journey
Joseph Campbell calls this a the Refusal because that is the Hero’s first response. In the journey it is Yours and Mine as well, our first response to any type of change is not with open arm. Unless that the change is self-insinuated, such as Marriage, Going into a de facto relationship, entering further education…
Why don’t I use another selling platform?
While I was at University I did use eBay extensively. I was very happy with the results of eBay. However, I had no expectations of what each item would fetch. I found that when I had a $0.99 start on each item, the items sold quite well. I had many disappointments along the way. At…
Hero’s Journey – Step 2 – Meeting the Mentor
When we are being forced to change or even when change is self-initiated we need a mentor. We are surrounded by mentors all the time, it is just we do not need a mentor so we are not looking out for a mentor. Then a mentor will make themselves known to you. This is a…
Web site Overall – What was done
Hello every one.This was a big task in all.You as a customer did not see all the issues that I had in the background of this web page. I have been using the system for about 3 or 4 years without doing a refresh to the web page. so just imagen over the years plugins…
Building a House on more than one Pillar.
This can be a touchy subject for some people. We will be addressing Protective Measures against Suicide. I will also talk about how to protect our self from Emotional harm, and speeding up our recovery from grief and loss. The reason for the title, Building a house on more than one Pillar is a metaphor.…
Hero’s Journey – Step 1 – The Normal World
In the ordinary world, we go along our life in the routine that we always follow. We get up, get the kids off to school, go to work, come home, do a bit of shopping on the way, have dinner, have a shower and then off to bed. the last day was no different than…
My Other Life :-)
I have been threatening to talk about my other job for some time now. For a long time I had the shop open, when I was at work my Wife would look after the shop and when I was not at my other job I was working in the secondhand shop. This was quite a…