Over the time I have made posts about the Hero’s Journey. I have enjoyed writing about the subject. I have found it important for clients to know where they are on their journey and what to expect next.
For Sale – All my stock
If anyone would like to buy 100% of my inventory, please look over the stock and make me an offer. I have an amount that I cannot go under.Email me an offer, and I will respond to any realistic offers.
My Australia POst Plugin Crashed and I had no Idea
This was a surprise. I had 3people now ask me about the postage of an item. One in Belgium, one in Sydney and another in QLD. I just thought they did not know how to use this platform, It would not be the first time. Well to my surprise, I found the plunging does not…
The Engin of your Business – The Paperwork
There are several parts to your business. It is not just one part on its own. this is my business. So what do you do in your business? Well, I do the lot. Ok, what is the “lot”? So many people would love to be in business and be their own boss. Answer to no…
Things I Learnt the Hard Way
Many times My grandfather would tell me, “Listen to me so you do not need to learn with your own skin”. I understood this so I absorbed a lot from him (I wish my kids would do the same). I was still a painful child that got up to Young and Dumb. However, with respect…
Star Wars ATAT Walker Demo for the Amiga 500 from 1988
Star Wars ATAT Walker Demo for the Amiga 500 from 1988Star Wars ATAT Walker Demo for the Amiga 500 from 1988Star Wars ATAT Walker Demo for the Amiga 500 from 1988Star Wars ATAT Walker Demo for the Amiga 500 from 1988Star Wars ATAT Walker Demo for the Amiga 500 from 1988 You can download this…
OMAC – Here is a blast from the past.
I was deeply involved with the Orange Model Aircraft Club in Orange for many years. I have not flown a model plane for a long time and I have not had the chance to build any either. I will find some pictures of the plains that I have built and make another post with those…
ICE: The Theatre of the Mind.
The remarkable thing about the brain is that when you imagine an event or do something or plan out an activity? The brain does not know the difference between your imagination and reality. This is one reason why when we watch a movie. And we really get involved in the movie. We still feel embedded…
What does it take to Run a Business?
The Boss is the leader, the captain, the helmsman, the buck stops here person, the one that makes the executive decisions.
The Hero’s Journey – The Trials of becoming a Master
We think that when we become the master that all the trials are over and all is easy sailing from here on in. This is far from the truth. We are in constant battle with our self. The baggage that we have learnt to let go of is still in storage within our memories. The…
What happened to my website?
In extension – What the hell happened to all the stock? I did what I always did for the last few years. I uploaded the pictures of the items that I had for sale and then typed in the description of the item and the quantitative data of the item. The Weight, height and depth…