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What’s been happening

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It’s been a bit over a year now that I have moved house and about 2 years since I moved 100% online with the shop. I have never been happier. My home life has improved, yet I still complain about the amount of work I have to do. I still work as a Drug and alcohol worker, doing contingency counselling and facilitating educational groups. But then I go home and still need to do so much to get the place the way I want. Making gardens and planting trees. Every time I turn my attention to a new project I spend money. But I love the work. I get to be creative and learn new skills. I get to meet new people that teach me new things. I can now put fencing on my CV…

I’ll be turning 50 soon. I always wanted to be as active and energetic as my grandfather when he was about my age now. I know how he did it. He too had a wife that kept him busy. 🙂

2 thoughts on “What’s been happening

  1. Hi Frank, did you use to own that antique shop next to the tattoo studio which was next to Vinnies? I left Orange in 2019 after last visiting that antique shop and helped translating some Chinese documents and when I came back here to work in 2022 the antique shop was gone.

    1. No I did not… I was up the road a bit next to Gasweld.

      Over the years Orange had 7 second hand shops, now we are down to 1 antique shop, and one rustic shop.

      I went 100% online about 3 years ago.

      Thanks for question.

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